Description: Documents get edited, deleted, added - the Audit Trail tells you who logged in and did it, where they logged in and time frames
Software Version: All
To check just a specific documents Audit trail
Open the Document > Actions > Audit Trail :
A user with Administrative Rights to view the Audit Trail must be logged in
1) Admin > Company > View Audit
You can search by Username, Title (of said document), Description (Of the Document), Start-End Date (When you think the document was created, edited, removed), Action (What happened to it [Delete, downloaded, approved..]), Entity (Datalink, Package, Inbox).
Once you chose your search type, hit search and the box will populate with information you may be looking for
Automated Services ([email protected]/License) are also present in searches. Do not worry about this.
Do NOT use this, unless you want to lose any trail between the start (of using eclipse) and current date. If you find that you do not need specific information from 5 years ago, you can purge that information. This can clear database/Audit errors that may show up.