Description: Server Error in '/Eclipseweb'

Software Version: All


Previous Resolution Notes: Missing MSI or Assembly file after install

1) Go to C:\Program Files\Astria Solutions Group\Eclipse Server\bin and check if the version of the DLL on the error is on the same version as you are instaling by right clicking and going to properties
-If it is not on the same version you will have to re-install the MSI corresponding to that DLL

2) Check to see how many files in total in the directory, there should be 142 items(including the folders)

3) Go to http://localhost/eclipseserver/hostingv2/company.svc on the web browser and check to see if we get any error
-If so, research that error and take a different troubleshooting path

4) Go to C:\Program Files\Astria Solutions Group\Eclipse WebUI\bin and check to see if the DLL file in the error is present and if it is, check if the version matches the version of DocStar currently being instaled
-If it is missing, it means you will have to uninstall and re-run the WebUI.msi to place the DLL back in there

5) After re-installing the MSI, check if the DLL is now in C:\Program Files\Astria Solutions Group\Eclipse WebUI\bin, if it is, go to localhost/eclipseweb and check to see if the issue is still occurring, if you receive a 404 error, you might need to re-install DocStar one more time.