This is are the steps that I followed:
- User presented error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
- On the Application Server, Open IIS
Navigate to the list of Application Pools
Verify the following application pools' Advanced Settings for Enable 32-bit are set as follows:
DefaultAppPool = False
Eclipse3Server = False
EclipseWebUI = True
- Problem persisted
- Select ApplicationPool>Advance Settings
- Select ApplicationPoolIdentity>Select Custom Account
- Provide Admin level access to the 3 applications (Default,Eclipse3Server,EclipseWebUI)
- Problem persisted
- Proceed to run the Eclipse Server Configuration and skip the licensing process
- Installation finished
- Re-run the Eclipse Server Configuration
- Error Displayed [The remote name cannot be resolved: 'localhost']
- Proceed to open Windows host file (C:Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) in notepad
- Add line '127.0.01 localhost/docstar'
- Re-run Eclipse Server Configuration
- Field "type the correct domain and retry" intput: in said field
- Problem solved