Description: if you could see an outlook button when emailing from Eclipse and it disappeared, this is likely because your client is not properly connected. 

Software Version: 17.20.xxxxx

Solution One: Make sure your Eclipse Client is properly signed in with the account you are using in Eclipse.

Solution Two: If you use more than one computer (and more the Eclipse Client connected to that computer), you may have more than one client. [Shared accounts, for example {[email protected]} are the accounts susceptible to this error] 

1) In the capture tab, click "Docstar Client is Connected"

*The name in the drop down should be the current name of your computer. To check the name of your PC, open a File Explorer and right click on "this PC" or "my computer". Go down to properties.  

If your computer name is not displayed as the connected client, just hit the drop down [in par 1 of this solution] and select your current computer's name. If you do not see one, check if there is a client installed on your PC. If not, you will need to hit the "Update/Install Client Services" button.